So my spring break travel post to Paris is long overdue, I know. But here I am again, a month later, writing from a sofa in the 5th arrondissement in Paris after a stop in Barcelona. Guess I couldn’t get enough the first time. The past month has been a concentrated period of similtaneously attempting to be a dutiful student and booking flights. More than ever I feel grateful to God and my family for making studying my favourite subject at university and travelling so prolifically possible. So it’s time to share some photos and experiences wit u bbiez. This post is going to cover my first trip to Paris, photo-essay style. The trip to Barcelona and second visit to Paris will come up shortly. Enjoy! x

PARIS / MAR 20-27


Whenever I travel to a country for the first time, I do my best to balance doing touristy things with more local activities. My first ever day in Paris was the perfect blend of the two. The day was spent walking around the major sites of Paris, marvelling at the architecture and just allowing the city to sink in. The evening, however, we spent at a dinner party hosted by a man named Jim Haynes.

me & Jim

In the 1960s Jim was a major contributor to the underground art scene in Edinburgh and London. Now 83 years old, he lives in Paris and has been hosting dinner parties every Sunday evening for the past 37 years. I learnt about him in my Scottish postwar art module this semester and immediately signed up to attend one of his dinners.

looks weird–actually delicious

The party consisted of a delicious three-course meal and an open bar. My friends and I met a whole range of people, from authors, to 40-year-old Canadian ladies who attend the private parties of the Game of Thrones creator, to 23-year-old Norwegian men, to the supposed private chef to Robbie Williams who seranaded us most of the night. It was such a cool and unique experience talking to people of such diverse ranges of age groups and backgrounds as if they were your peers. My friend said it was probably the closest she was ever going to get to the salons and meetings of artists and writers in early 20th century Paris.

Jim’s house
my friend Yeji buying a book from author Martin Walker & getting it signed



The second day in Paris began with a hearty breakfast and proceeded with a walk through the Jardins Tuiléries.

at the Tuileries

We went to the Musée de l’Orangérie and I took an obligatory picture with Les Nymphéas, Monet’s Waterlillies.

Later that evening, we went to Shakespeare & Company to attend a book reading. Ben Lawrence, a British author and journalist, talked about his new book A City of Thorns. In the book, Lawrence recounts the lives of nine different people he met in the largest refugee camp in the world. The aim of this book is to dispel the impression of refugees as numbers and reinstate their humanity. I bought the book immediately after the event and copped a picture with the author before we left.

free wine at the event of course
me & Ben Lawrence


** EDIT: started writing this post a week ago and left it ’til now, so I’m no longer lounging in a dramatically European fashion on a sofa in the 5th 😥 ***


On my third day in Paris, we visited the Musée d’Orsay. I was enamoured by the details in some of the paintings and the gorgeous museum café where we stopped at for a café crème. We exited to this gorgeous view over the Seine.

We then visited the Opéra! The architecture was so ornate and beautiful. Like a less-grand version of Versailles.




On the agenda for a packed Day 4: Notre Dame, crêpes, Sainte Chapelle, l’Arc de Triomphe, and entering fashion boutiques on Avenue Montaigne, touching all the gorgeous clothes and shoes, crying and leaving without buying anything. The usual.

café corners
stunning Sainte Chappelle
on top of l’Arc de Triomphe!
the view from the top of l’Arc de Triomphe

DAY 5? idk

Later on in the week (idk I’ve lost track at this point it was like a month+ ago ok) we visited Le Marais, which is a super hip area of Paris. There are loads of tiny art galleries (we entered several), adorable jewellery shops, and of course your classic big brands. What I really loved was how local and quaint the area felt. The schools had just been let out for the day as we walked down the streets, and it felt weirdly home-y and nostalgic watching the kids rush out excitedly from class and hearing their laughter from distances away.

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Galerie Perrotin
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work by Jens Fänge
Jens Fänge
Acne Studios


That’s it for this portion of the travel book. Stay tuned within the next week for my next post on beautiful sunny Barcelona and Paris part II!


Blessings to u & stay trippy xoxo

∙ vienna ∙


Hey, homiez.

Last week, I posted a preview post about Judy’s Vintage Fair, featuring an interview with their Events and Brand Manager, Emily Hughes. I went to the event, died and went to heaven (which, fyi, looks just like the vintage fair), bought a couple things and rushed back home to try them on, absolutely ecstatic.

The event was massive. Stacks upon railings upon suitcases upon containers of clothes, jewels, badges, pins, patches, and prints were scattered across the breadth of Club 601. I twirled through the nook and crannies of the fair picking up (and thereby claiming) all the pieces of clothing I wanted to try on and gasping at some of the wonderful items on display.





So what did I end up buying?

These absolutely gorgeous vintage Levi 501 shorts.

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And this beautiful upcycled shirt from Thrifty Little.

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And here’s how I styled them. Enjoy! x




BOY LONDON crop top

Vintage Levi 501 shorts

Fishnet pull-ups from American Apparel

Limited edition red-lace Dr. Marten hi-top boots

Brave Soul lilac light-weight macintosh from ASOS








Heart-shaped sunglasses from ROKIT Vintage

Upcycled t-shirt from Thrift Little

Black skinny jeans from A Land

Cake socks from A Land

Vintage pumps from another vintage fair


Be your favourite kind of person today and every day.


God bless you & stay trippy xoxo

∙ vienna ∙

Photos: Lightbox Creative and Tanya Krotovskaya

APRIL 3 (An Interview with the Brand and Event Manager for Judy’s Afforable Vintage Fair)

Ok homiez. You know how much I love vintage. (And if you don’t, where were you when I wrote this post and this post and this post?) Well, on the 3rd of April, Judy’s Affordable Vintage Fair will be coming to St Andrews as a part of the student arts festival, On The Rocks. Judy’s Vintage Fair is the leading of its kind, and I’ve been so fortunate to be in correspondence with the Brand and Events Manager of the fair, Emily Hughes. We talked about her job working for Judy’s Vintage Fair, the best part of working with vintage, and what her favourite pieces are! If you’re thinking about working in events or with clothing/vintage–ur welcome I just made the research a lot easier for you. Enjoy! x

Say hello to Emily!

1. How did you get to working for Judy’s Affordable Vintage Fair, and how long have you been working there?

I’ve been working for Judy’s for over 4 years now – I originally started as a graphic designer with the company when I was a student. It all spiralled from there and I’ve been full time brand and events manager now for 2 ½ years almost.

2. What do you do in your role as Events Manager?

I basically do most things associated with organising and promoting the events. I do have a wonderful bookings manager, Donna, who deals with booking the traders in for events. I’m also in charge of the Judy’s social media–that that’s the ‘brand’ side of ‘brand and event manager’. I spend my weekends running most of our events which means lots of travelling up and down the country, I love that part!


3. Would you consider your role a creative one or is it more administrative?

It’s a mixture of the two, the promotion part of my job is very creative. I have to make sure we are being relevant with our advertising, marketing, social media etc. Obviously I do have to do some admin but the creative out ways the spreadsheet and email work!

4. What does an average day at work look like for you?

Each day is totally different, as well as every month. I work two months ahead promoting events most of the time so when it’s mid fair season it can be pretty long days. I do get to work from home in the week through which is brilliant, it means I can work my hours around my schedule. The event days are my favourites though, I get to see all the lovely traders and customers.


5. What skills does your job require, and what skillsets/work experiences would you recommend for someone who is interested in being an Events Manager?

Honestly, I’m lucky as I learnt on the job, but being hardworking, passionate and dedicated are absolutely crucial to my role. Time management is also essential, I organise my own time so I need to make sure I’m using it efficiently. I’d recommend getting experience at a variety of events though, I think you are either good at events or not, it’s hard work but so rewarding!

6. What is the best part about working at Judy’s Affordable Vintage Fair?

I work with a fiercely strong team with 3 other ladies, Judy (Director), Donna (Bookings manager) and Jenessa (event manager for the kilo sales). It’s really amazing to work with a group of ladies who are constantly supportive and full of ideas. My favourite part of my job is when an event goes really smoothly, is well attended and my traders are smiling.


7. What is your favourite vintage item that you have ever come across at one of the fairs?

Oh I have more vintage then I can even remember. One of my favourites is a bright green (shiny, textured, amazing) dress that I got for a mere £30 – when I bought it the trader told me that it had come with a note that said ‘I wore this for a party in 1952’. I love the feeling that I’m giving the dress a new life, I even look it to my holiday in Vegas!

8. Lastly, why should everyone make an appearance at Judy’s Affordable Vintage Fair on the 3rd April, at the Union?

It’s been ages since we’ve come to St Andrews so we are really excited!! We’ve got over 35 stalls packed with incredible vintage fashion, accessories, jewellery and nick knacks galore. Our event gives people a chance to grab their own piece of the past. Our traders travel around the country so you’ll find a really amazing mixture at our events! It’s only £2 entry and the treasure you’ll be able to find is just wonderful.




Many thanks to Emily for taking the time to chat with me about her role and the fair! I’ll 10000% be making an appearance, so I’ll see you lovlies there :*


UPCOMING POSTS: A review of the vintage event will be posted sometime next week, and I still have to tell you guys all about my amazing holiday in Paris!! Super excited about that one. Stay tuned, bbiez.

Peace and love & stay trippy xoxo


∙ vienna ∙

en revue



Ok homiez, if you have me on snapchat/instagram/whatever you will know that I have been complaining about how much crap I’ve had to get done this past week before spring break. I have no idea why everything had to be crammed into that one week (isn’t it always?!), but it was, and now I’ve finally gotten through it. While everyone was finalising spring break plans and packing, I was working on two assignments (one of which was due even after spring break started), had two class trips, and this past weekend I had two full days of leadership training for an internship I’ll be taking up in the summer. Craziness.  Even though there were definitely moments when I felt so stressed I thought I was gonna explode, I just wanted to share what I’ve been up to this past week, because there have been some really cool things that I’ve experienced, and it’s given me a whole new appreciation for our privileged positioning and just how much there is in the world for us to engage in.

1. Met the CEO of ALLSAINTS

YA. IT’S TRUE I DID. The management society here in St Andrews has been so ballin’ this year and they arranged for William Kim, the CEO of ALLSAINTS to come up to St Andrews with a small team to talk about the business and its prospects. There was even a team from Korean broadcasting channel KBS present filming for a documentary that will be released in the first week of May!! So catch me on TV–I’m famous. 😉 The talk was super finance-business heavy, so a lot of the jargon went over my head, but even so I learnt some crucial things about the fashion industry, and how forward-thinking you have to be as an individual in order to stand out from the crowd and succeed in this business. We got to chat with him over tea and coffee after the talk and I managed to cop a business card. #NETWORKING amirite. Everyone hates networking, but it has to be done. O YA AND I GOT A FREE ALLSAINTS T-SHIRT SO THERE’S THAT.

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My outfit for the event ft. my new baby :’)


2. Met a couple of really cool contemporary artists

So I mentioned that I went on two school trips this week. The first was a performance art display featuring three generations of women performance artists in central and eastern Europe. The event was held in conjunction with International Women’s Day, and it was such a lovely evening of art, tea and coffee, biscuits and wine. The performance artworks ranged from topics of immigration, rape, and sexism/sexuality/the male gaze. There was nudity, there was stalking, there was borderline soft-porn. It was great.

The second artist I met was Calum Colvin, a contemporary mixed-media artist who primarily uses the medium of photography in his artworks. He staged an intervention in the National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh, and I loved the contrasting juxtaposition of his glaring contemporary aesthetic with the old-fashioned 17th century portraits his works were scattered amongst. He was a hilarious man, and it’s so amazing hearing an artist talk about his/her work first hand.

3. Had a crazy packed weekend at a leadership training conference

Some of you may be aware that this summer I’ve been so lucky to have been selected to be a Laidlaw Intern in Research and Leadership. I’ll be writing about performance art in the catwalk shows of Alexander McQueen, AND I AM BEYOND EXCITED for everything this will entail. A part of the programme is to attend an intense two-day leadership weekend. It was a nice weekend, and I was so well-fed (SO. MUCH. FREE. FOOD.), but more than anything the thought just struck me over and over that I am so so lucky to be able to attend such a wonderful university and be a part of such an amazing programme, surrounded by like-minded individuals who are ambitious and passionate about what they want to do with their lives. I love being surrounded by ambitious individuals who are excited about life and actually implement action to get to where they want to be. And I love the feeling that finally (finally, finally) I’m starting to do the same.


So now it’s spring break. This is the moment I have been waiting for ’cause let me tell you I have some crazay things planned. Amongst reading tons of books and eating loads of food, I’ll be in Paris for a week, and there are several exciting things I’ve organised to do there. The first day I arrive, I have arranged to attend a dinner party hosted by a man named Jim Haynes. Now 83 years old, back in the 60s Jim was a HUGE contributor to the underground arts scene in Edinburgh. He started up Britain’s first paperback bookshop, helped establish the Traverse Theatre, and met a ton of famous and influential people along the way. Now he hosts public dinner parties of about 50-60 people every Sunday in his apartment in Paris and GUESS WHAT I sent him an email and four friends and I will be joining him for dinner later on this month lolz. Which is really useful for me, I guess, because I’ll be writing a research paper about the avant-garde arts scene in Edinburgh in the 60s after I return from spring break. So. 😎

ALSO ON THE TO DO LIST IN PARIS: potentially go on a road trip in a rented-out Mercedes (to be confirmed), and attend an awards ceremony for my lovely friend Yeji, who landed a bomb-az internship and gets a prize and a shit ton of money for it or sth. Cool.


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Thanks for Coming! is an auto-biography by Jim Haynes



  1. Kygo Concert in April (I sacrificed blood to get these tickets)
  2. POTENTIAL TRIP TO BARCELONA?! we’ll see depends on the cash monay $$
  3. HILLSONG CONFERENCE EUROPE 2016 o my daze I am so excited


I know this was a longer post than usual, but all this to say that life is so amazing, guys. I am floored over and over these days by how lucky/blessed/privileged whatever I am so have all these opportunities. Sometimes you just gotta go out and buy the fuckin’ ticket. Sometimes you have to shoot out a tentative email for that thing that you want, and see where it goes. Because you never know?! And when it ends up working out, what an amazing feeling that is! So grab life by tha ballz and show it who da queen.

Kick ass today and go out and do the thing.


God bless you and stay trippy xoxo

∙ vienna ∙

OFF DUTY pt. 3



And here it is–the finale to my three-part Students Off Duty collaboration! If you want to see a summary and interview of my day spent with my photographer, Tanya, check out her blog post over at Students Off Duty.

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The outfit in today’s post is something more minimal, classic and appropriate for a wide array of occasions! I consider it both day and work-wear. It’s useful to have a variety of pieces in your wardrobe that are multi-functional. For me, this white top, studded at the neckline, is that item. So are these absolutely gorgeous Jeffrey Campbell heels–they’re good for day looks, work-wear and going out outfits!

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Now if you know me and have been keeping up with my posts, you know how much I love a good bargain. And you know that I will sniff out a bargain from a mile away. These JC shoes were a part of an 30%-off sale at a shoe shop in Garosu-gil, Korea. So I got the 30% off. And then I got an extra $10 off because I’m Vienna and that’s what I do.

I threw on my favourite fluffy H&M cardigan to complete the outfit. I love textured clothing–it explains why I have so much velvet and suede in my wardrobe! I’m fascinated by the tension that results from seeing something that you want to touch, but not being able to.

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Recently I’ve been investing (time and money) into experiences that I feel like I will look back on at the end of my life and say, ‘Damn, that was so worth.’ They may be concert tickets, flight tickets, conference tickets–I’m broke af but I am buying the frickin’ tickets because you know what I’m 21 and young and these are the years to go out and do shit. I’m also entering competitions and sending emails to brands that I would love to collaborate with. I mean it’s worth a shot, right? It feels so worthwhile putting money and effort into these things, though. I feel like I’m taking steps to make my life as full as possible. I know it sounds cheesy af, but I really want you to hear me out on this. Open your eyes a little wider in the next few days and read posters and advertisements for opportunities and events around you. Whether it’s volunteering, a poetry slam, or an essay competition with a cash prize, participate in the little things around you, because those things actually add up (not only to your CV or resumé) but to how rich and full your life will feel.


I love the cut-out detail in the heels of these shoes.

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Above all things, I admire so much those people who take the initiative to be out in the world, imprint the world and work with the world. I love being around people who have big dreams. I hope you, too, are surrounded by individuals who tell you about what they want to achieve. I hope they influence you to sew together bits and pieces of your own narrative for your life. I hope today you are thinking of the small steps you want to take to build your future and grasp those goals. Share them with me. I’d love to know your plans.

Know today that you are worth more than diamonds, b.

Stay trippy,

∙ vienna ∙

OFF DUTY pt. 2


Listen to this song with me as you scroll through this post!


And here we are–part two of my collaboration with the wonderful Tanya from Students Off Duty.

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In last week’s post, I talked a lot about creative energy, and where I’m trying to invest that. Closely related to that topic is the issue of identity, which I want to discuss a little today. #BigQuestions amirite.

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There’s something in your life that you love. You have a hobby, an activity or a career plan that goes beyond simply being ‘enjoyable’ and gives you life and energy and a sense of purpose. I think there’s a reason for that. I think you were made to do that.

I’m not trying to dictate or give ~life advice~ on what job you should take or what you should be doing with your life right now, but I think it’s super important to identify the things in your life that make you feel more like you. When you engage in this particular activity, you feel like a better part of you is developing, you feel like you’re able to become someone of importance, of significance, someone who can give back to the world in some way. Very often–and this happens a lot in my life–we get so entrenched in our school work, day jobs, or some other responsibility and we don’t engage enough with this life-giving activity. We begin to feel stale, stressed out, drained or sometimes even depressed.

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When I post something on Instagram and I’m really happy with the way it looks, I feel extremely content and satisfied. That might sound super ridiculous and maybe even pathetic to some people, but I think there’s a deeper reason for that. When I’ve just gone through an amazing photoshoot, and I’m sat on my sofa editing photos in preparation for my next blog post, I feel excited and creative and wonderful. And I think there’s a deeper reason for that. When I research Masters programs at the top fashion institutes in the world, I feel motivated to work and study harder now so that I can become a stronger applicant. There’s a deeper reason for that!

I have no idea if blogging and fashion is going to be a bigger part of my future, or even if it will develop into a career, but I know I feel energised and alive when I engage in these activities and I think it’s because, on some level, I was built to be creative and this is my mode of expressing it. I aim to develop my passions into something that will allow me to contribute to the world, God’s Kingdom, a community, or even just an individual that I love. There’s a quality unique to you that empowers you in the same way. If you don’t know what it is find itIf you know what it is, develop it.


One thing that’s important (but also extremely difficult) about Loving other people deeply is that you understand what their ‘quality’ is, and help them develop it and bring it out in the best way possible. You know, God made us so different and unique and that is such an amazing thing to me. When I meet other people, sometimes I think I know what’s best for them, when actually–God knows what’s best for them. All I have to do is identify what God has already implemented into them–that passion or quality that makes them uniquely individual and beautiful and significant–and help them express and develop it in the best ways.

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Okay lolz so this post was a lot more serious in tone than usual, and kind of rambly and all over the place, but these are thoughts that have been mulling about in my head recently. The tone of the post is serious, but a lot of the pictures are of me being smiley and happy because it is GOOD NEWS that we can have a quality or passion that makes us unique and fabulous human beanz and allow us to make important contributions to the world we live in!

I would really love to one day be the type of person who can Love in the ways I described above. I think it’s important for helping people realise who they are, Who/What their identity is in, and how they can be most at ease with themselves. I hope you want to be that kind of person too! Channel the passion or quality that makes you you, and help others do the same.

Now for some quick outfit deetz cuz let’s be real my outfit is fab:

Pink Suede Jacket from Dreamland Vintage

Whatever Forever baby tee by Jac Vanek

Black skinny jeans from Å Land

Black suede cut-out boots from Ark

Love and peace to you all. Talk soon & stay trippy xoxo

∙ vienna ∙

OFF DUTY pt. 1

So recently I think I partook in the shoot of my dreams.

I create a lot of images in my head about what I think ~blog lyfe~ should look like–the kinds of clothes I want to wear for my next shoot, the different poses I’ll try, the way I come out on camera… but more often than not, my shoots are 10 minutes long, on an iPhone and just a quick way to get content. The other day, however, I met up with my friend, amazing fashion photographer, and creator of the blog Students Off Duty, Tanya Krotovskaya, to collaborate on a post. It was everything I wanted it to be, and I cannot wait to share rest of the content with you.

I’ll be posting our shoot in three parts, according to the three different outfits I put together. Stay tuned on Students Off Duty also, however, as Tanya will be posting the pictures all together, plus a fun interview we had about style and inspiration!

Strap in ur seatbelt for part one of this series:


I’ve been thinking a lot recently about creative energy. Specifically, I realised that I have restricted and subverted mine these past few years in the midst of textbooks, anxieties over the future and sloppy Loving. I’ve been so wrapped up in my own concerns and responsibilities that I wasn’t thinking about what I could contribute in terms of this blog. I want to create my creative outlet and space, but something that you can enjoy and share in. I don’t just want to post pictures of clothes. I want to talk about curating, I want to talk about art, and I want to share bits of my life with you in hopes that you can relate to some pieces of it and be empowered to create art of your own.


I invest a lot of creative energy into what I do with my hairstyles. (SURPRISE!! my hair is now short and cheese-coloured. ***Cheese hair makes it’s big debut on the blerg.***) So every now and then, usually once or twice a year, I’ll undergo a huge style change. Everyone pretty much knows I’m an attention whore so I love the comments I get when I undergo a huge change in hairstyle, but more than that, I love the freshness that comes with something new and dramatically different. I’m a little ball of energy. I can’t stay stagnant.


Of course another creative outlet for me is this blog! Very often, style is about curating which articles of clothing will come together best to express what you want to say about yourself on a particular day. This knit dress from UNIF is a classic LBD with a twist. The halter neckline and backless design amps up the edge and adds a sexiness to it that isn’t overdone. I loff it. c:


I paired the dress with fishnet pull-up stockings from American Apparel and my Doc Martens that I basically wear with everything. The fishnets add an extra edge (NEVER ENOUGH EDGE???), but the boots play down the look a bit. If I wanna go GNO with the outfit, I put on some platform heels.

Knit dress from UNIF

14ct. Gold Bar Necklace w diamond from Vrai & Oro

Fishnet pull-up stockings from American Apparel

Limited Edition Dr Martens red-lace high-top boots

What’s your creative outlet? Where do you invest your creative energy? I’m learning that creativity isn’t a selfish endeavour. It can be self-seeking, self-exploratory, or self-satisfying, but it shouldn’t be selfish. Creativity is to be shared! In the coming weeks I want to share artworks with you, music, poetry. I want these blog posts to be an experience, like a semi/mini digital art installation! BE KEEN cuz I am, babiez.

Peace, love & as always, stay trippy xoxo

∙ vienna ∙

winter 15-16


Sometimes you just have to put a pause on life and reflect on who you are/where you’re going, etc. and as stupid as that sounds, I’ve been doing a lot of that these past few months, hence the lack of posts. I’m ready to start easing back into the blog lyfe, however, so for my first COME BACK POST, I’m going to post a selection of #ootds and moments from my winter holidays.

for you,

for all the times you felt

too small in your skin


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I’m always active on Instagram, so if I’m ever MIA feel free to follow me by clicking here. I’ve also gone through a major hair style change!! Stay tuned for cute outfits with my new ‘do. :*

God bless & stay trippy,


∙ vienna ∙

FIVE FAVOURITE :: eye products

FINALLY the second in my FIVE FAVOURITE series! Today, I’ll be going over a few of my favourite eye products.

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It’s only recently that I started going beyond a little eyeliner and started delving into different kinds of eyeshadows and mascaras, and I won’t lie–it’s been a struggle. The problem with my eyes is that 1) I have double eyelids. These are different from Korean monolids and Caucasian hooded lids, and it means that everything is about 10X more likely to be creased, smudged and oily. Gr0ss. 2) I have the most stubborn, uncooperative eyelashes in all of history (maybe that’s an exaggeration, but I don’t know anyone else who struggles as much as I do). I have avoided mascara like the plague for pretty much my whole life, simply because I have extremely long, thin and straight lashes which are difficult to curl, control and maintain.

These five products, therefore, are my selected favourites from years of trial and error and black, crappy mascara-stained tears.

1. VDL Expert Colour Primer for Eyes – W13,000

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Before I apply any eye product, I begin with this primer from VDL, a Korean cosmetics brand. Prices in the US for this product fall at around $16, but I love how Korea makes quality products for extremely cheap. This primer has never failed me. It brightens the colour of any eyeshadow, and does an amazing job of preventing smudges and creases in my eyeliner and shadows. For my extremely oily lids, it does wonders.

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Not a lot of product is needed to get the job done. To apply, I simply dot the primer onto my eyelid, and rub it in with my fingertips.

2. Lovely Me:Ex in Teddy Beige from The Face Shop

After I prime, I usually wash this beautiful neutral eyeshadow from The Face Shop over my lids. This colour is gentle, feminine and flattering. It matches perfectly with my skin tone to deepen my eyes without being too overbearing. Unfortunately, I think they may have discontinued the product as I can’t find it anywhere on their website! If you ever stumble across one in store, however, definitely grab it if you’re looking for the perfect neutral.

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3. Maybelline Eyestudio Hypersharp Liner in Black – £15

This liner is the tour de force of all liquid liners. It literally suits every skin tone, type and eye shape. The pen format means easy guiding of the hand, and the extremely fine brush allows you to create the perfect pointy flick to your cat eye. It honestly makes my life so much easier, and I rarely struggle with uneven wings, simply because I feel like I have so much control with this product in hand. If you get anything out of this post, it needs to be this liner. Again, I can’t find the product on the official Maybelline website, but I’m pretty sure you can go into any cosmetics shop and find it. On Amazon, the price is £15.

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4. Maybelline Volum’ Express Turbo Boost Mascara – £5.99

Okay, we need to talk mascaras. As I mentioned above, I have the most stubborn, rebellious eyelashes–freakily long, thin and straight. That means that there is almost no mascara out there (that I have yet come across) that caters to these very specific qualities. Most mascaras are used for lengthening the lashes, but I feel like if mine get any longer, they’ll just look like spiders on my face. I thought that I would need a good curling mascara, but for most of them, my eyelashes flatten out again right away just because of their sheer length and consequent heaviness. Out of all the mascaras I’ve tried, however, Volum’ Express Turbo Boost works the best. It works to thicken my lashes so that they don’t look as creepy and spidery, and maintains the curl better than any other self-proclaimed “curling” mascara that I’ve tried. Despite Turbo Boost being my favourite so far, I’m still looking to find other options. If you know of any other great mascaras that could possibly be a good fit for me, comment and let me know!

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Idk what I’m doing with my face I’m just trying to show you the effects of the mascara.

5. Bobbi Brown Sparkle Eyeshadow in Cement

If you’re looking for the perfect, quick day-to-night fix, this is it. When I stepped into the Bobbi Brown shop for my free make-up lesson (if you have a store near you, book your free make-up lesson asap! Honestly so fun and useful), and the make-up artist applied this shadow, I literally opened my eyes to take a look and went “WOW” out loud. I’m a huge fan of glitter, and this sparkle eyeshadow is glamorous and tasteful. It is impactful, yet not overdone at all–in fact, it is a beautiful, subtle shimmer. The perfect sparkle eyeshadow, in my opinion, and highly recommended for special events or dressy nights out.

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To apply, I simply use my finger and press product into my lid, and around it, if I’m feeling super flashy.

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You can’t really see the effects of the sparkle shadow in this photo, but trust me, it looks beaut.

And that’s this week’s wrap up of my FIVE FAVOURITE eye products! I hope you’re enjoying this series and finding it useful, because I’m having a lot of fun writing them up!

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Remember that you are beautifully made today!

Peace & blessings. Stay trippy xoxo

∙ vienna ∙