blogging 101

With the turn of the new year and a new blog, I’ve decided to sign up to a blogging 101 course hosted by wordpress so that I can truly make the most of my blogging experience. The posts over the next few weeks will be based on the assignments that are given through this course.

So, without further ado, I’m going to post 10 facts that I feel most capture my personality, so that everyone who visits this page knows what I’m all about! Half of these have been taken from my about page, which is right here.

10 facts about Vienna Kim

1. I have 4 names–my full name is Vienna Jeanne Jungeun (정은) Kim

2. And yes, I’m part Korean. The other half of me is English

3. I’m currently attending university in Scotland

4. I have a weird obsession with unicorns and sparkly things?

5. So basically if you cross the mentality of a five year old girl and a twelve year old boy and put it in the body of a twenty year old woman, you have me

6. I am a Christian, trying my best to live out 1 Peter 4:8

7. I love fashion and art and music and design, but I’m a dabbler and have never really found my “one thing” that I’m really good at. I’m hoping this blog with assist me with finding “my thing”

8. Flea markets, thrift shops, and tiny indie coffee houses have my heart

9. I study art history

10. I resemble an over-excited hamster

Also, I look something like this:

IMG_2147If you’re a fellow participant of the blogging 101 course–welcome! I’m so happy to meet you. (:

14 thoughts on “blogging 101

  1. I love the facts!

    You’re right, our posts were pretty similar. I can completely relate to that “dabbling” thing too, sometimes I think that’s the reason I don’t finish things because I like way too much and try to do it all at once.

    1. haha, I figured it would be much easier to digest than paragraphs about myself. I hope to reveal my personality through my posts, rather than spell it out for people (:

  2. I really like the way you set this post up with the list, and I think it is really cool that you go to school in Scotland.

    1. thanks so much!! ahh, and thanks for letting me know about not being able to comment. for some reason the default for my posts is that commenting is disabled, so I have to actively enable it every time I post. I’ll go do that now. Again–thank you for the kind words! x

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